Table of Contents

Rephrasing someone else’s ideas will not make them yours.

What is plagiarism?

“Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s ideas, words, or thoughts as your own without giving credit to the other person. When you give credit to the original author (by giving the person’s name, name of the article, and where it was posted or printed), you are citing the source. Plagiarism is when you do not include this information in your paper. There are other forms of plagiarism, as well, such as reusing a paper and having someone else write for you.”1)

Different kinds of plagiarism

These are all examples of plagiarism:

Do not do these

Do I have to cite?

In most cases, yes you do. If you are not sure, then see this flowchart.

Misconceptions about paraphrasing and plagiarism

Read the following articles to understand what paraphrasing is and IS NOT:


Avoid Plagiarism

How citation works

You can find chapters of an online book that explains the details of citation here

More videos here



Play Academic Integrity in Space

Play the game of Academic Integrity in Space to learn more about the details of academic integrity and to see if you can win the game.

‘Plagiarism: Definition and Examples | LiteraryTerms’, Literary Terms, 11-Sep-2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01-Jan-2022]
Eaton, S. E. (2021). Plagiarism in Higher Education: Tackling Tough Topics in Academic Integrity. Libraries Unlimited. p. 39
3) , 5), ‘What is Plagiarism?’,, 18-May-2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Feb-2022]
4) , 6) , 8)
Education World ®, ‘Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism’, 2002. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01-Jan-2022]
“Sources can include web sites, magazines, newspapers, textbooks, journals, TV and radio programs, movies and videos, photographs and drawings, charts and graphs; any information or ideas that are not your own.” Ibid.
Eaton, S. E. (2021). Plagiarism in Higher Education: Tackling Tough Topics in Academic Integrity. Libraries Unlimited. p. 38