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Assignment 2


Review chapter 5, Environmental Impacts of Packaging and Material Handling.

Supporting documents:

Questions to Answer

  1. How can food producers minimize their environmental impacts by reducing their packaging?
  2. What are the major, negative environmental impacts of the current packaging practices in the food and beverage industries in Canada?
  3. Beside the food producers themselves, who else is/are responsible for the negative effects of the environmental footprints of a food producer? Why?
  4. What can end-users, i.e. consumers of food, do to minimize their negative, food-related environmental impacts?

Your checklist before you submit

Pre-flight checklist

Written Report Marking Scheme

The marking scheme

Submitting Your Written Report

  • Share a digital copy of your final paper with me via Google Docs (use my gmail address)
  • Day 5 is the last day for this assignment (there will be a penalty for late submissions)
packaging_assignment_2.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/30 16:14 by Eric Bright